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Creating Technology Plans: Where Business Accountability and IT Responsibility Converge

In any strategic technology plan, a pivotal decision is whether to manage operations internally or seek external expertise. Opting for an in-house IT team means dedicating resources to technology management, while outsourcing brings specialized skills for specific tasks. Regardless, the business remains accountable for key decisions and results.

Business Accountability:

  1. Problem Identification: Understand the issue at hand, focusing on the ‘what’ and ‘why,’ while being open to exploring the ‘how.’
  2. Budget Framework: Establish financial boundaries to guide IT recommendations.
  3. Time Constraints: Know when specific results are needed to allocate IT resources effectively.
  4. Value Clarification: Clearly define the expected business outcomes to help IT prioritize solutions.

IT Responsibilities:

  1. Problem Comprehension: Grasping the business issue is crucial for identifying appropriate technical solutions.
  2. Solution Planning: IT should outline the options and steps to achieve the desired outcomes.
  3. Cost and Capacity: IT must provide a transparent cost structure and required capacity.
  4. Risk Evaluation: Assessing risks helps the business make informed choices.

Managing expectations is key, whether you’re relying on an internal team or an external partner. This ensures that both parties are aligned in their roles, responsibilities, and anticipated outcomes.